tiga majus bahasa Inggris
- tiga: three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad;
- majus: magus
- baltasar (orang majus): balthazar (magus)
- kedatangan orang-orang majus: adoration of the magi
- melkior (orang majus): melchior (magus)
- tiga: three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad; ternion; three-wheel; iii; threesome; trio; troika; trinity; trine; triplet; triple; trey; deuce-ace; 3; tercet; terzetto; three times; ternary; tierce; th
- orang-orang majus dari timur: biblical magi
- akar tiga: cube root
- aliansi tiga: triple alliance
- bab tiga: chapter three
- beratom tiga: tri atomic; triatomic
- berbasa tiga: tribasic
- berbidang tiga: trihedral
- berdimensi tiga: solid
- berkaki-tiga: three-legged